
Publications on ISI/Scopus Journals

Pánek, T., Břežný, M., Havenith, H. B., & Tibaldi, A. (2024). Landslides and growing folds: A lesson from the Kura fold-and-thrust belt (Azerbaijan, Georgia). Geomorphology, 109059.

Tibaldi, A., Bonali, F. L., Mariotto, F. P., Oppizzi, P., Tsereteli, N., Havenith, H., Babayev G. & Pánek, T. (2024). Structural expression of the frontal thrust of an active fold-and-thrust belt: The Holocene 123-km-long Kur fault, Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan. Journal of Structural Geology, 105085.

Congress abstracts

Babayev T.H., Aliyev Y.N., Muradi I.B., Aliyev M.M., Seismic analysis of the Shamkir reservoir area through insights into the dynamics of the earthquake characteristics, Scientific Council Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, December 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Tibaldi A., F. Bonali, F. Pasquaré Mariotto, P. Oppizzi, N. Tsereteli, H. Havenith, G.  Babayev, T. Pánek, Structure, morphology and seismicity of the frontal part of a propagating fold-and thrust belt: The Holocene 123-km-long Kur Fault, Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan. EGU congress in Wien of April 2024.

Babayev G.R., Babayev T.H., Aliyev Y.N., Muradi I.B., Numerical earthquake ground motion modeling for southern slope of Greater Caucasus. VII International conference on “Seismology and engineering seismology”, June, 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Muller B., N. Tsereteli et. al.  DAMAST results. Dams and Hydropower: Adapting for a Changing World.  Georgian National Committee on Large Dams (GNCOLD).  Annual Conference. 7-8 November 2023.

Babayev G., Ismailzade T., Aliyev M., Earthquake History in Azerbaijan and Contemporary Days: Challenges Ahead. Science and Technology Conference (SnT) 2023, CTBTO, June, 2023, Vienna, Austria.

Babayev G.R., Aliyev Y.N., Aliyev M.M., Magnitude and intensity simulation of ground motion on near-fault areas: the case of Talysh (southern Azerbaijan), EGU congress in Wien of April 2024

Babayev T. and Babayev G., Spatial distribution of b-value on the Mingachevir water reservoir area for seismicity analysis applying the microzonation method of Babayev G. et. al., 2020. EGU congress in Wien of April 2024.

Semenova Y., O. Kendzera, S. Skurativskyi, S. Mykulyak, I. Skurativska, O. Topoliuk. Mitigating earthquake risks in the Shamkir-Mingachevir reservoir region through comprehensive ground response analysis. ICSF 2024 5th International Conference on Sustainable Futures: Environmental, Technological, Social and Economic Matters, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 2024.

Kendzera O., Y. Semenova, O. Topoliuk, S. Skurativskyi, S. Mykulyak, I. Skurativska, O. Trypilska, V. Drukarenko, Seismic hazard evaluation and soil response analysis of Shamkir and Mingachevir hydroelectric power stations, EGU congress in Wien of April 2024.