Scientific publications (2016-2018)

Scientific articles

  1. Adamia S., V. Alania, N. Tsereteli, O. Varazanashvili, N. Sadradze, N. Lursmanashvili, and A. Gventsadze 2017. Postcollisional tectonics and seismicity of Georgia. GSA Special Papers Online First,
  2. Alania V., A. Chabukiani, R. Chagelishvili, O. Enukidze, K. Gogrichiani, A. Razmadze and N. Tsereteli, 2017. Growth structures, piggy- back basins and growth strata of Georgian part of Kura foreland fold and thrust belt: implication for Late Alpine kinematic evolution. In: Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus (eds. Sosson M., Stephenson R., Adamia Sh.). Geological Society of London, Special Publications no. 428 (1), 171-185, doi:10.1144/SP428.5.
  3. Babayev G., Gadirov F., Agayeva S., Ismail-zade T., 2017. Assessment of seismic processes in the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus (Azerbaijan). Proceedings of AASSA NAS KR Regional Workshop “Science, State, Structures and Public – Joint Efforts to Reduce the Risks and Consequences of Earthquakes”, Printhouse Publishing House, Bishkek, Kirgizistan, 25-30.
  4. Babayev G., Muradi I., Babayev E., 2017. Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Absheron peninsula (Azerbaijan). Proceedings of AASSA NAS KR Regional Workshop “Science, State, Structures and Public – Joint Efforts to Reduce the Risks and Consequences of Earthquakes”, Printhouse Publishing House, Bishkek, Kirgizistan, 33-38.
  5. Babayev G.R., Akhmedova E.V., Kadirov F.A., 2017. Analysis of stress-strain state of Caucasus region (Azerbaijan) on the basis of maximum horizontal stress vectors and “World Stress Map” Application technique. Geophysical Journal, №3, Vol. 39, pp. 26-39 (in Russian) doi:
  6. Sesetyan, K., Danciu, L., Tsereteli, N., 2018. The 2014 seismic hazard model of the Middle East: overview and results. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-32.
  7. Tibaldi A. and N. Tsereteli, 2017. International effort tackles landslide hazards to keep the peace. EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Vol. 98, no. 4, April 2017.
  8. Tibaldi, A., Alania, V., Bonali, F. L., Enukidze, O., Tsereteli, N., Kvavadze, N., & Varazanashvili, O., 2017. Active inversion tectonics, simple shear folding and back-thrusting at Rioni Basin, Georgia. Journal of Structural Geology, 96, 35-53.
  9. Tibaldi, A., Pasquarè Mariotto, F., 2017. The struggle between Abkhazia and Georgia, as observed from NATO-supported scientists. ASRIE – Associazione di Studio, Ricerca ed Internazionalizzazione in Eurasia ed Africa,
  10. Tibaldi, A., Russo, E., Bonali, F. L., Alania, V., Chabukiani, A., Enukidze, O., & Tsereteli, N. (2017). 3-D anatomy of an active fault-propagation fold: A multidisciplinary case study from Tsaishi, western Caucasus (Georgia). Tectonophysics, 717, 253-269.
  11. Tibaldi A., A.M. Korzhenkov, F. Pasquarè Mariotto, D. Rust, N. Tsereteli, 2018. NATO and Earth scientists: An ongoing collaboration to assess geohazards and contribute to societal security in Central Asia. Episodes.
  12. Tibaldi A., F.L. Bonali, E. Russo, F. Pasquarè Mariotto, 2018. Structural development and stress evolution of an arcuate fold-and-thrust system, southwestern Greater Caucasus, Republic of Georgia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 156, 226-245.
  13. Tibaldi A., P. Oppizzi, J. Gierke, T. Oommen, N. Tsereteli, D. Odilavadze, 2018. Landsliding near Enguri dam (Caucasus, Georgia) and possible seismotectonic effects. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, submitted.
  14. Tsereteli N., A. Tibaldi, V. Alania, A. Gventsadse, O. Enukidze, O. Varazanashvili, B.I.R. Müller, 2016. Active tectonics of central-western Caucasus, Georgia. Tectonophysics, 691, B, 328-344.
  15. Tsereteli N., et al., 2017. The 2014 Earthquake Model of the Middle East: Seismogenic Sources. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 21 February, Pages 1-32.
  16. Tsereteli N., Aysegul Askan, Hossein Hamzehloo, 2016. Hybrid-Empirical Ground Motion Estimations for Georgia. Acta Geophysica. ISSN (Online) 1895-7455, DOI: 10.1515/acgeo-2016-0048, September 2016.
  17. Varazanashvili, O., Tsereteli, N., Bonali, F.L., Arabidze, V., Russo, E., Pasquarè Mariotto, F., Gogoladze, Z., Tibaldi, A., Kvavadze, N., & Oppizzi, P., 2018. GeoInt: the first macroseismic intensity database for the Republic of Georgia. Journal of Seismology, 1-43.
  18. Zare, M., Amini, H., Yazdi, P., Sesetyan, K., Demircioglu, M.B., Kalafat, D., Erdik, M., Giardini, D., Khan, M.A., Tsereteli, N., 2017. Reply to “comment on ‘recent developments of the Middle East catalog’ Journal of Seismology, 21, 1, 269-271.

Conference presentations and public lectures

  1. Acciaro M.D., Gierke J.S., Oommen T., 2016. Regional probabilistic landslide hazard assessment for the Enguri dam (Jvari, Georgia). GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, Paper No. 298-8.
  2. Alania V., Alexander Chabukiani, Onise Enukidze, Alexander Razmadze, Marc Sosson, Nino Tsereteli, and Otar Varazanashvili, 2017. Structural model of the eastern Achara-Trialeti fold and thrust belt using seismic reflection profiles. EGU General Assembly 2017. Vienna, Austria
  3. Babayev G., 2018. Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the oil and gas deposit areas in Caspian Sea (Azerbaijan). Marine geophysics, seismology, seismic hazard assessment. Proceedings of the International Conference “Understanding the Problems of Inland Waters: Case Study for the Caspian Basin (UPCB)”, 12-14 May 2018, Azerbaijan, pp. 217-221.
  4. Babayev G., 2018. Seismic hazard assessment of the southern slope of Greater Caucasus on the basis of contemporary methods and integral approaches, Scientific Assembly of Geology and Geophysics Institute of ANAS. Baku, 1 June 2018.
  5. Babayev G., E. Akhmedova, E. Babayev, 2017. Geodynamics and Stress State of the Earth’s Crust in the Greater and Lesser Caucasus (Azerbaijan) collision region. Proceedings European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna, Vol. 19, p. 54.
  6. Babayev G.R., Akhmedova E.V., Babayev E.E. T1.2-P6. Analysis of stress state of Caucasus (Azerbaijan) based on the maximum horizontal stress orientations and “World Stress Map” technique. CTBT: Science and Technology conference. Vienna, Austria. Book of Abstracts, p. 6.
  7. Gventsadze A., V. Alania, A. Tibaldi, and O. Enukidze, 2018. Active tectonics of the Kumisi-Tsalka area, Georgia: back-thrust zone of the eastern Achara-Trialeti fold and thrust belt. EGU 2018 Congress, Vienna, Austria, abstract.
  8. Sharia T., Nino Tsereteli, Otar Varazanashvili, Zurab Gogoladze, Fabio Luca Bonali, Alessandro Tibaldi, Victor Alania, Elena Russo, Federico Pasquaré Mariotto 2017. Intensity prediction equation for Georgia. IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly 2017. 30 July – 4 August.  Kobe, Japan.
  9. Tibaldi A., 2015. Invited talk on our project given at the Department of Economics and Finance, University of the Studies of Milan, on December 19, 2015.
  10. Tibaldi A., F.L. Bonali, V. Rigoni, F. Pasquarè Mariotto, N. Tsereteli, 2016. Compressional tectonics and volcanism in Lesser and Greater Caucasus. In: From Deep Earth to Surface processes: integrating lithosphere dynamics with rift basins and margins, (Eds: B. Van Wyk de Vries and A. Tibaldi), Proceedings meeting TOPO-EUROPE-ILP, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2-6 October 2016.
  11. Tibaldi A., Nino Tsereteli, Gulam Babayev, Fabio Luca Bonali, Elena Russo, Andreas Barth, Tea Mumladze, Fakhraddin Kadirov, and Gurban Yetirmishli. Active stress field of Greater Caucasus. EGU. 2018 April. Vienna. Austria
  12. Tibaldi A., Tsereteli N, Gierke J, Rust D. Oppizzi P, Varazanashvili O, Gventsadze A, Alania V. Kvavadze N, Gogoladze Z. 2017. Security against geohazards at the Enguri Dam area. International Science and Innovation Festival. Tbilisi 24 september – 8 october 2017.
  13. Tsereteli N., Aysegul Askan, Otar Varazanashvili, Viktor Alania and Nino Kvavadze, 2017. Development of seismic hazard maps for Georgia. CTBT Science and Technology (SnT2017) 26 – 30 June Vienna, Austria.
  14. Tsereteli N., O Varazanashvili, A. Tibaldi, E. Russo, F. Bonali, et al., 2018. First online macroseismic database for the Republic of Georgia (Sakartvelo). Malta. September 2018.
  15. Tsereteli N., O. Varazanashvili, A. Askan, 2017. Evaluation of Seismic Sources, Max and GMP Models for Georgia. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment Workshop, Lenzburg, Switzerland, 2- 5 September 2017.
  16. Tsereteli N., O. varazanashvili, V. alania, N. Kvavadze, A. Gventsadze, 2016. Seismic hazard and risk assessment for Georgia. Festival of Science and Innovation. 6 – 23 September. Tbilisi Georgia.
  17. Tsereteli N., O. Varazanashvili, V. Arabidze, Z. Gogoladze. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Large Dam Area, Georgia (Sakartvelo) Case. SSA. May in Miami, Florida. USA
  18. Tsereteli N., Otar Varazanashvili, 2017. Historical Earthquake of Georgia. IAG-IASPEI Scientific Assembly 2017. 30 July – 4 August. Kobe, Japan.
  19. Tsereteli N., Otar Varazanashvili, Alexander Gventsadze, Tatia Sharia, Manana Kupradze, Nino Kvavadze, and Tea Mumladze. Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard maps for Georgia. EGU. 2018 April. Vienna
  20. Tsereteli N., Varazanashvili O., Tibaldi A., Bonali F.L., Gogoladze Z., Kvavadze N., 2016. New Intensity Attenuation in Georgia. Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
  21. Tsereteli Nino, Otar Varazanashvili, Victor Alania, Aleksander Gventsadze, Nino Kvavadze and Zura Gogoladze, 2016. Historical Earthquake scenario and Seismic risk for Big Cities in Georgia. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU) 2016, 17-22 April, Vienna, Austria.
  22. Tsereteli, N., O. Varazanashvili, T. Sharia, V. Arabidze, F.L. Bonali, A. Tibaldi, E. Russo, F.A. Pasquaré Mariotto, 2017. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Georgia. AGU FALL MEETING, 11-15 Dec. 2017.
  23. Tsereteli, Nino; Varazanashvili, Otar; Kvavadze, Nino, Gogoladze Zurab, 2016. Magnitudes of the Caucasus earthquakes 1903–1908. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC) 4 -10 September 2016, Trieste, Italy.